Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What makes me smile....

So, you could probably tell from my post this morning that I was down in the dumps. I was moping around all morning (nothing to do with pregnancy hormones, I'm sure!) and just wanted to stay in my pjs for the next two weeks (or until baby sister gets here!). Unlike her mama, though, Ali has been full of energy today and I had felt bad b/c I didn't have much to give back to her. The only way I could get her to come inside was to offer her food for lunch! She decided she wanted ABCs (aka spaghetti-os!) for lunch so I gave it to her and gave her a huge portion thinking I would have to toss it all afterwards. Boy, was I wrong! I wasn't watching her and even left the room for a minute and when I came back, this is what I found! With an almost empty bowl of ABCs - she devoured it in minutes and I was shocked! We have found a new favorite meal!! (although it required some deep cleaning afterwards!!)

There is nothing in the world like this face to me. She sure knew what to do to cheer me up and brighten my day! :)

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