Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I thank the Lord for our blessings...

Today has been a rough day. One of those days I just want Ryan to stay home and I just want to stay in bed, in my pjs and not talk to anyone. I got out of the house and went shopping for some favors, etc for Ali's birthday party this weekend and it brightened my mood a little. I realize that despite the bumps in the road, we have a lot to be grateful for. I thank the Lord for my two very healthy (knock on wood)and beautiful little daughters. It's hard not to be happy in life or to dwell on the hardships when I look down at these two sweet little miracles. I thank him for our families. My parents have worked hard all of my life to create a heritage (passed down from their parents) and to build a path for me now to follow and have given me more than I deserve. They are role models not only in my life, but in this community...and I am grateful. I thank the Lord for our jobs - during this economic crisis (as Ali would say), I feel very grateful that we are not yet struggling and we are able (for the time being) to do things like be members of the club, have two cars, own a house, have cable, eat out, etc. These are things we take for granted but I realize during hard times how lucky we are. I write this so I will remember to count my blessings and remember how grateful we need to be during these difficult times! I thank the Lord for our friends, for our church, and for our many little gifts. I need to be better about counting my blessings daily - not just on the hard days.

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