Thursday, August 21, 2008

Meet New Friends Day!

Today was "Meet New Friends Day" at Ali's new preschool! We were so
excited to go and meet most of Ali's little classmates and had a great time! I somehow just realized today Ali's new classroom is the same nursery room that Ali goes to every Sunday for church, so I think that helps a lot! You can tell she is familiar with the room b/c she heads right to the toys (and knows what to do with them) and doesn't even look for me! Ali has a great little class - 9 kids and a great mix of boys and girls - all close in age. We are excited b/c we know a few of the little ones - including Ali's friend, Bennett. When we went to Open House on Tuesday night, Ali and Bennett played and she hasn't stopped talking about him since. He is quite the little cutie too! I am really excited about Ali starting preschool b/c I think she is going to LOVE it - just being able to meet new little friends and go to the playground twice a week! Her first day is next Tuesday and we can't wait! (Although, honestly I will MISS her for those 3 hours each Tuesday and Thursday!!!) :( I know it will be nice, too, when baby sister gets here to give us a little together time while Ali is at school. Below is the only picture I got today! I took it on my Blackberry too so it is not super clear - but, it's just a glimpse of Ali's little room. She is standing next to one of her teachers, Mrs. Carolyn, and both of her teachers seem GREAT! I know they will take excellent care of my little princess!

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