Saturday, February 18, 2012

IT'S A BOY!!!!

We really can't believe it! We are so shocked, so in love and thrilled beyond words to welcome Beck Stevens Patrick into our lives! He was truly the missing piece of our family and now we feel complete! He was born at 1:38 am on February 18th weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and is 20 inches long. He is just perfect and we just can't get enough of him! Delivery went pretty smoothly - I went from about 0 to 100 in no time and, although painful, I will never forget the moment or Ryan's facial expression as I saw him look at our new baby in shock/amazement and turn to me to announce/yell "It's a boy!!!". We both we screaming with excitement - I am so happy we decided to wait and find out b/c that moment was priceless and we are still in such shock. To tell you a secret (in case you didn't already know!), I really, really wanted a boy and of course I would have been thrilled either way with a healthy baby -but my heart is complete now knowing that Beck is here. So far, in his first 18 hours, he has been such an angel - spent most of the day/night sleeping and taking breaks to eat every once in awhile. He got circumcised today and the nurse came back amazed b/c she said it was the second baby she had ever seen that did not cry during circumcision! We think he is perfect and his sisters do too! Lots more to come on the new man in our lives - but just wanted to share a post of our excitement we are feeling right now! Welcome to this world Beck Stevens Patrick - you are so loved already!

1 comment:

Emilie Smith said...

Yay! Loved reading this! I feel a tad bit obsessed because I am SO excited for y'all!!! I can't wait to meet him!

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