Friday, February 17, 2012

The final hours....

Today has been a fun, but weird day! So surreal knowing that in an hour and a half I will call the hospital to find out if there is room for me to come in and have a baby. I have spent the day with my girls and tried to soak in this time, knowing that our family is in for a big, exciting change in just a few hours! We got our nails done, went out to lunch and just had a fun girls day singing karaoke and playing dress-up. We picked up the girls "big sis" shirts that I had made and they were squealing with excitement - they can not wait to meet their little sister/brother and we all can not wait to find out what our final addition will be! Whenever I sit for a second and start thinking about it, it feels like Christmas! Every once in awhile, though, the nerves kick in and I am a mixture of ecstatic/nervous(about delivery)/anxious/overjoyed/sentimental - all kinds of emotions. Crazy to think that this time tomorrow, we will probably be a family of 5! Wish us luck!!

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