Sunday, October 3, 2010

My baby is 2! Happy birthday Rhodes!

Two years ago from yesterday - October 2nd - and 10:31 p.m. - our lives changed forever as Virginia Rhodes Patrick was born! What a busy two years they have been! Going from a family of 3 to a family of 4 was a huge transition for me - but I have enjoyed every second of it. Rhodes gives me a run for my money sometimes - she is such a spirited/happy/silly/busy little girl and we love her to pieces!! I really, really can not believe this little face is two - but, then again, I don't remember what our lives were like before she was born - she brings so much joy and laughter to our lives!!


Seems like just yesterday I was holding my little baby in my arms....slightly fearful of going home to two precious little girls to mother. You were an easy baby from the get-go - slept a ton (so much that instead of enjoying it, I got worried you slept TOO much! :)), although not necessarily at night - you have just always gone with the flow! You are fearless, friendly, and so very funny! We are constantly cracking up at something that you are doing - and you know it! You love to do whatever your big sis is doing and if you get in a fight and I ask Ali to tell you she's sorry for hurting you - you usually are the first to give HER a hug and tell HER "I sorry Awwi". You have a heart of gold and a sweet, sweet spirit! Such a mixture b/c you are also full of energy, not afraid of a thing (although recently you say "I scared! Monsters!"), and don't mind playing in the dirt with all of your boyfriends! :) Your favorite toys range from baby dolls to Handy Manny toys - you have a wide variety of interests and are not too picky, but always have fun at what you're doing!

You are a music lover - just like your sister. You love to dance - lately, you love to break out singing your own song "Shake your bottom! Shake your bottom!" and then dying laughing! You started taking music class as soon as I started taking you out of the house - very early on...tagging along to Ali's class. Mrs. Arie has always told me from the get-go that you have a gift for music and we really do believe it! People are always impressed with the songs you know and how well you can sing! :) Your favorite songs these days are Old MacDonald, ABCD, Twinkle Twinkle, and B-I-N-G-O! I need to get some of these on a video to put on here! You sing wherever we are and are not afraid of who is listening! :)

You love your family - your sister is probably your favorite person in the world! It melts my heart when I hear you wake up in the morning and start calling out "AAwweee!!" Sometimes I hear you "practicing" talking and you will just start saying "Mama, Daddy, Ali, Rhodesy, Mimi, Papa, Grandmommy, Granddaddy" over and over.

You love to tell jokes and be silly! We crack up lately b/c your favorite joke is to yell out "Pumpkin", "Pee Ewwweee" - it is hilarious! You wait until we are looking, cut your eyes and start saying it - knowing that we can't resist cracking up every time.

You love school and your little friends at school - especially Wee (lee) and Webb! You go in like a champ and I've never gotten a bad report - only great ones! (Thanks for making it easy on your mama!) The only semi-bad report I got was one day when the teachers told me I needed to send in more food for you (when I had already packed a full lunch!) - you are a great eater!! You even love your fruits and veggies!

You love animals!! Barn animals came to your school recently and the teachers told me they had to drag you away when it was time to go because you were so into them and didn't want to leave. You got to feed them and when you ran out of food, you started pulling grass out of the ground to feed them with! :)

You are very active! You could play outside - on the swing, slide, playset, cars, etc all day, every day, if I let you! Typically, when we are somewhere in public, if you are not strapped down, you will take off! :) But, you also love to snuggle and say "Hold you!!" to me so that I will hold you. I love holding on to my little baby and hope you never stop asking me to "Hold you!!". :)

As you can see in the pictures below, you also still have your "pappy" - hope to get rid of that soon, but it's only supposed to be used when you sleep! (unfortunately, I didn't get it out in time for these pictures - ugh!) If you get fussy and tired, you just want to walk around with your pappy, pillow and a "blankie" and then snuggle with your mama.

You are the sweetest, silliest little character I know and we love you to the moon and back!! Can't imagine life without you and so glad God blessed our lives with the gift of Rhodes. You bring so much joy, laughter, and sunshine to our lives - I hope that you had the best 2nd birthday ever! We love you so much sweet Rhodes - and are loving every second of watching you grow up!

Love you, Mama

Birthday girl - still waking up!
Opening birthday morning gifts...Big sis loved helping you open them (and helping you play with them!)

You LOVED your Minnie cell phone and slippers!
We had our friends, the Harveys, over that night to celebrate and we were cracking up when you came in from the playroom, wearing Mr. Potato Head's are one funny munchkin!
Since Disney World was supposed to be your birthday party this year, we just had a family celebration on Sunday 10/3. These gifts show the true mix of your personality....dressed in a tutu, with your church shoes still on, with princess jewelry on, pushing a Belle tea party cart around, with Handy Manny and his tools on it. That about sums you up! :)

We also had a little mini-playground party with Rhodes' friend/boyfriend, Christopher, at Lewis Park playground with a couple of their friends.

This birthday girl loves to slide..

And swing...
And eat birthday cupcakes (with birthday boy Christopher, too!)

(the big sisters/helpers - Ali and Lauren)
Holding hands with birthday boyfriend, Christmasfir (as Rhodes calls him) ;)

Playing in the dirt with good friend/boyfriend, Webb!
We love this little birthday girl!!!!

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