Friday, September 7, 2007

My fist blog

I have never really understood what a "blog" was and, have to admit, have thought it was weird when other people have blogs - but, for some reason today, I felt compelled to start my own blog. I have been down today b/c I realize that my little baby girl is about to be a year old (well two months from today) and it scares me how fast time goes by. I want to be better at recording every second of her and remembering these times right now - b/c she is such a little person that I adore so much! I always get frustrated b/c I don't think I write enough down/take enough pictures/etc of this time in my life that I treasure so much, so I guess keeping a blog with Ali's pictures/moments will be easy on me since I'm such an internerd. Plus, now I won't have to stalk my friends with pictures of Ali and if you want to look at them or know about her/us/Baxter - I will try to update this as often as possible!


Ajax1021 said...

oh good. This fellow internerd is looking foward to keeping up with the adventures of Princess Ali while I am bored at work. And her sidekick, Baxter.

Unknown said...

What a great idea James! Now we can keep up with Ali and someday she'll also be able to look at this!! Sometimes I sure am glad you're an internerd!!!


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