Monday, September 10, 2007

10 Months - September 8, 2007

Ali turned 10 months on Saturday! Boohoo. :) I tried to get some pictures of her before Ryan and I left for the UGA game (wish I had stayed home for that one!) but she would look away from the camera right when I would take the picture - I guess I am just a bad/slow photographer! She loves her UGA cheerleading outfit.

She is at SUCH a fun age right now. The girl is so active that I think she has actually lost weight b/c she is constantly on the move and does not want to miss a thing. We look at pictures from when she was even younger and what a chunk she was and it cracks us up! (although she still has some perfect little rolls!) She imitates most things we do. I, unfortunately, taught her how to make this noise that sounds like she is saying "dewy" and she just goes around the house going "dewy, dewy dewy". She loves to clap her hands, give us high fives, put her hands in the air when we say "hands up" (my favorite b/c her arms are so short that they barely go the top of her head and she looks so cute) and she loves playing peek a boo. Here are some pictures of us playing peekaboo! (well, they're at the top of the page b/c I'm still new at this blog thing - not sure what I'm doing) It's hilarious b/c she hides her face in a bowl/book/anything and dies laughing when she takes the object away. Such a precious age - she can't help but make me smile!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never seen a more precious Georgia cheerleader in all my life!!

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