Saturday, April 28, 2012

Two months old!

I am in love with a little man who is 2 months old!  Although these past two months have flown by, I don't even remember what life was like before Beck...he completes us! :)  Love this big little man so much!
Look how much I have filled out and grown this past month!

 At two months old, Beck is holding his head up strong and starting to go longer between feedings (and sleeping more at night!)  We are still not sleeping through the night, but I blame that on the fact that we have been so wild and he has spent so much of the day sleeping so Mama can clean, pack, unpack, run carpool, move, etc!  I feel like once we get settled and unpacked and in a schedule, he will be sleeping through the night in no time!  He goes 3-5 hours between nightly feedings, so not too bad! (and much better than the 2 hours we had been doing at the beginning!)  He is an angel and full of smiles that melt this Mama's heart.

Hello ladies!

Love this happy man!

I was excited to see how much Becko had grown at his 2 month check up - and he did not let me down.  At 2 months old, Beck weighed in at 14 pounds (92%) - getting close to doubling his birth weight! :)  All of his measurements were right one track with a big, growing boy, though - his height was 24 3/4 inches (95%) and his head was 16.5 inches (93%).  He is such an easygoing little man, but he was not happy with the three shots he got - but, he recovered fast!  We are all so in love with this little man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His Mimi and Papa think he hung the moon toooooo!!!

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