Monday, April 9, 2012

Moving on....

Where to begin? These past four weeks have been a doozie! It started with week 1 - a week-longwaiting game that started with hearing we were going to get a contract on our house and waiting and waiting until finally the contract appeared! Then, week 2 was a roller coaster - looking at houses, looking into rentals, having to make a quick decision of where we were going to be living in the next 3 weeks and praying we made the right decision. There was drama and tears and a happy ending with a contract on a house that our whole family loves and will grow up in. Weeks 3 and 4 have continued with more waiting on appraisals and inspections of both houses as well as setting up different workers to come into our house to do everything on our buyer's "to do" list. Trying to nurse an infant and take care of 2 busy big sisters with men coming in and out of the house for different projects is really for the birds! It has made me extra anxious and excited for the calm and space that lies ahead! But, now, on our final night at 449 Cascade, I find it so bittersweet looking around at a pretty empty house that holds so many memories for our little family. I know it is going to be weird for me in less than 6 months when I sit in carpool line, picking Ali up from Kindergarten, and can look out at this house that will always hold a special place in all of hearts! The house where we brought home all three of our children home from the hospital, where I have learned how to be a mother (and still learning), celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, Christenings, Christmases, entertained many friends and started raising our family! But, now our family has grown and it is time for us to head on down the road (literally) and we are excited for our next venture! We sure are going to miss this place and can only hope that the next owner knows how lucky she is to be moving here!

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