Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I know my days are numbered....

So I'm going to enjoy them while I can! This morning, I went on another fun field trip with Ali's class. We walked up to the Strand Theatre to see the Three Little Pigs play - it was so cute and so much fun! When I told Ali I was going, she was SO excited and said "Will you please sit by me??" - music to my ears! I know these are not words I will be hearing out of her sweet mouth forever so I am treasuring them now, going on as many field trips and class parties as possible, and loving every second of my sweet girl(s)!

Ali and Caroline waiting for the show to start! (not the best picture, but only one I got!) Their class made these precious shirts with three pigs on them - in honor of the show!

After the play, Ali and I decided to take advantage of our time before she had ballet (and while Rhodes was in lunch bunch) for a little one on one time - a date to Sugarcakes! I treasure this time so much - knowing that my big girl will be in Kindergarten next year and these times will be few and far between. We chatted it up for an hour and it really made this Mama's day! Love having a little girl that loves her Mama and loves our time together as much as I do! (even though I know it won't be like this forever!) I love her so & love our sweet time together!

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