Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend roundup!

In an effort to keep the blog updated, just wanted to post some pictures from this past week/weekend from my phone!

Rhodes loves to do two things - she loves to find something for the day/week/night that she is obsessed with and wear it/hold it/take it everywhere with her while it is her current obsession. Last week - it was this shirt! (Note to self: Stop spending all of my money on cute matching smocked clothes - Rhodes prefers to dress herself and usually goes for a more casual look!) She wanted to wear it all day, then to bed, then again the next day. Also, in an effort to stall going to bed, she tries to think of anything in her power that will get us to come back in her room or keep us from leaving her room at bedtime. During the pink shirt obsession night, she stalled trying to put together an outfit (she also likes to wear snow hats out during the day - quite the fashionista!) and went to bed exactly like and all!

(And, yes...once we have potty training completely 100% - we have two big goals coming up...get rid of pacifier and move to a big girl bed! I am stalling trying to keep this girl my baby forever!)

We had a fun weekend - kicking it off with the Blue Devil Walk. We didn't go to the game b/c Ryan and I already had plans - but we walked over to the stadium and watched the blue devil walk with the girls - love this time of year and so fun to get to walk over with the girls. On the way back, I was struggling up a big hill, pushing Ali in the stroller - but loved the view we had from afar of Rhodes on her daddy's shoulders!
We made our rounds on Saturday to three different parties - two birthday parties for the girls and a wedding shower for good friends of ours on Saturday night! The only pictures I came home with were from one of the fun birthday parties that we all went to! It was at Miss Mamie's cupcakes and then Marietta Pizza Company and the girls were so great (even after eating cupcakes before pizza!) and we all had a great time!

Every now and then, I can feel a hint of Fall in the air and it gets me so excited!! Loved being with our little family this weekend and having a few nights out with Ryan and friends! Looking forward to lots of fun family time to come this Fall!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, Rhodes is SUCH a little character! Stories about her really crack me up- I love it!

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