Friday, April 22, 2011

In loving memory...

It is with a heavy heart that I write this the Tumlin clan lost a great part of our family...someone that has been a part of our family for half of my life, brought so much love, joy and happiness to our lives for the past 16 years...Spud Maverick Tumlin. :) I think Sig was in 6th grade when we got him for his birthday and we named him with that awesome middle name. It has been a hard day. To be honest, it has been something we have been expecting for awhile...but it still doesn't make it any easier. He has lived a great, long, happy life and we have all been so lucky to have had him in our lives! In early December, almost exactly 16 years after he entered our lives, he started struggling to walk. He has had issues with hypothyroidism (runs in the family! :)), seizures, then hearing, old age, etc - but he has been such a trooper. His back legs started to give out and after years of hoping he would keep living a long life, our family faced the fact that the end was in sight. We spent a weekend in December together, saying our sad "goodbyes" to Spud and it was like all of the love gave him a second wind and instead of putting him to sleep then, my parents and the vet decided it was not time just yet and he was given some prednisone and we have loved all of the extra time we have gotten to spend with one loved and loving dog. This past week, (and before) Spud's legs have just given out and he could no longer walk with his back legs. His loving heart and sweet spirit was still going strong but his body was weak and could no longer keep up. What an incredibly sad day for our family and especially for my parents having to make the decision to lose such a special part of our family - but they stood by him in the end and hugged him, told him they loved him and said goodbye as he kept kissing the vet! My heart tries to believe that a soul like Spud's has to be in Heaven now where it belongs! :)

(These pictures are from December when we thought we were having to say goodbye!) I went to my parents house this morning for a few hours and hugged him and made sure he knew how much we loved him one last time! Part of me wishes I could turn back time and go back to yesterday when he was still here - but, I know it was time and he is in a much happier place now with so much relief! We love you Spuddy and will miss you always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie, thanks sooo much for the blog entry and the wonderful pictures.. I had totally forgotten his middle name. MOM

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