Saturday, December 12, 2009

Asking for prayers...

I am sitting here after a mini-breakdown in search of extra prayers for my mom right now. She is struggling. After an emergency surgery on Thursday, some complications arose and so far she just doesn't seem to be getting any better. I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital b/c I hate leaving her up there, but she is not saying much and seems to be in a lot of pain and in and out of sleep. It is so hard to see someone you love so much in so much pain, plus, I miss her! She is my lifeline and the first person I call every single morning and about 20+ times a day to tell every single thing going on with me/the girls. I just want her to feel better and to start to improve. I just want to see a smile on her face or to see her eyes open for a little bit or to have the tube removed so she can talk comfortably/not in pain - these last few days without that have been some of the longest ever for me! (and I can not imagine what it's been like for her!!!) I ask for prayers for healing for my mom and for comfort.... I know our Lord is a healing Lord and the power of prayer is amazing! Hopefully, my next report will be of some recovery and improvement!


Unknown said...

I've got you in my thoughts and prayers. My mom had emergency surgery about two weeks ago and we were in a similar position. I'll keep up the positive thoughts for each of you, for her doctors and nurses, and for a quick recovery. All the best - Gretchen

Jill said...

We're praying for your mom and your entire family. Hang in there. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

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