Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Easter 2010!

Oh, how we love Easter time! So many eggs to hunt, bunnies to take pictures with and friends to see!

We had one day where we party hopped to three different Easter egg hunts!

First one, was at 9:00 sharp at the club - we got there at 9 on the dot and almost missed it!

Then, we headed over to Libby Brumby's precious first birthday party!

Then, to Mimi and Papa's for a neighborhood egg hunt! The girls were egg hunting pros by this one - Rhodes piled her basket high full of eggs and Ali went straight for the gold (metallic purple) egg and won a prize!
We also had fun decorating Easter eggs...

Writing notes to the Easter bunny... (Note - Ali does NOT want any special gift giving characters to come inside the house - as in, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. Instead, she wants to make sure I tell them to leave the presents outside - that way she will rest easier the night before the big holidays! Cracks me up - and sure helps the sleeping in part of holidays - Ali did not dare leave her room on Easter morning until we came to get her - for fear the Easter bunny may accidentally have missed the note and may still be lolly gagging around our house! :))

We posted these notes outside our house - on our fence. The first one says "Dear Easter Bunny", second says "Hide our eggs and please leave candy!". (we're going to have to work on being more polite to the Easter bunny!!)

And opening Easter morning surprises!

Of course, my camera died after these last two - but, all in all, our favorite part of the Easter season is celebrating the true reason for the season. Ryan and I attended the Maundy Thursday service this year at our church and it was so moving. It is a service I hope to never miss again! Then, on Sunday morning, we of course met my family at church - and squeezed into the row with them! There is also nothing sweeter than being in a packed church on Easter morning - with no seats left in the house - celebrating the resurrection of our Savior and singing Easter hymns with fellow Christians. Hallelujah!

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