Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hello sunshine!

Hello blogging world! I have been MIA from blogging - mainly due to the serious case of Winter Blues I have had! It has been a rainy, cold, dreary week around here and even though we are back full speed ahead in the swing of things again, I have been seriously unmotivated! So happy to see the sunshine back outside today and some motivation set back in. If you're a reader of my blog (ahem, family!) and you're like me - I hate when blogs that I like to read go MIA for awhile - so I am happy to say that I am back! :) Sorry for such a delay in posts. And, in case you forgot what my little bits look like during these few short's just a glimpse at a few pictures I got today. (Not the best pictures...but, really, they were just taken so I would have something to put on here! :))

This morning (Saturday), Ryan had to go to work and since the girls and I have had a lot of togetherness stuck inside the house this week...we decided to have our own spa morning. Now, this spa morning did not go as I had in my dreams (I think I was just dreaming of a much needed spa vacay for this Mama!), the girls came out bubble bath cleaned, with hair dried, curled, and even some manis and pedis! With an slightly impatient 4 year old and a wiggle worm, busy body 2 year old, the manis and pedis somewhat ended up as full foot pedis and full fingered manis! :)As soon as we were done primping, our spirits were revived by the sunshine that came out just in the nick of time! We headed out to lunch on the square with Mimi and even got some cupcakes at Miss Mamie's!

I am going to try my best to be better about blogging and recording these memories of the girls! Between school, gymnastics (lessons on two different days for the girls!), music class, choir, ballet, and lots of playdates in between...we have an activity to keep us out and about every day! I have to admit I have moments where I miss the days of a complete day off! I think that is what summer is for, though, so we are enjoying our fun activities and getting to be with lots of friends!
Hope everyone had a fun January!! Spring will be here before we know it! (and I can't wait!)

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