Friday, April 16, 2010

18 months of Rhodes...

Rhodes hit the year & a half on Good Friday - 18 months old...hard to believe. We had her check up today and everything looked great. She weighed in at 27 lbs and 11 oz (90%), 33 inches tall (75%) and 19 1/4 inches of head circumference. I was a little surprised that her height is only in the 75th percentile b/c I feel like she is soo tall. It's hard for me to think about my little baby turning into such a big girl - but, she is! She already, in her head, believes she is a big girl and I am pretty sure that she thinks that she is the same age as Ali and all of her friends. If we are in a group with Ali and her friends and Rhodes and her age and younger - Rhodes loves playing with the big girls! She keeps right up and might even be more adventurous than them all! :) She is so full of life, energy, appetite, beauty, smiles, tempers, and is one brave little cookie! Her favorite word right now is "No" and the way she says it is so cute - as much as I hate the word, I can't help but smile when she says it. There is probably not a day that goes by without our Rhodes doing something to make us crack up - no matter what kind of day we are having! We love her so and know this summer is going to be a wild one keeping up with her - I am just trying to soak up these moments and enjoy each day with these two. As we all know "they grow up before our eyes" - and as much as I wish I could just keep my eyes closed and slow this life down - there's no time to do that with these two!

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