Monday, August 3, 2009

10 months of sunshine!

Our little chunky monkey turned TEN months old yesterday! What a sunshine she is in our lives! She is on the move and prefers to be standing up (on anything and everything) rather than sitting. She has 1.5 teeth (the two bottom ones) and has eaten everything from fruit, veggies, cheese, bread, chicken and is now eating meals with us - no more baby food at this house! I will give Ali and Rhodes the same meal and Rhodes will eat every last drop - on the other hand, it seems her big sister is watching her weight these days! :) She wants so bad to walk and is crusing on everything and pushing toys/chair around to try to walk- we all think it will not be long before those little legs take off! She is definitely not very patient and quickly moves from trying to walk to speed crawling so she can get all around the house as fast as she can! She has started having little conversations with us - trying to talk more and more every day. She says lots of "Mamamas" and "Dadadas" and "Babababas" and "yayayas"'s too cute! She also just started giving the best, wettest, open mouth on your cheek kisses that make my whole face wet and melt my heart, all at the same time! She is sleeping better and better but most nights she still wakes up, just for us to go in and put her pacifier in. I can not believe in two short months we will be celebrating her first birthday - we better start planning! We love you Rhodeso Bodeso - thank you for the sweet giggles, hugs, smiles and joy you bring to our lives!

Little sunshine up and ready for breakfast!
Georgia Bulldog!
Sitting in my glider
All smiles
Time to move!

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