Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cake & Ice Cream!

Yesterday, we went to Ali's friend, May Elizabeth's birthday party at Jump-its. I was not sure that Ali would actually get on the jumping machines - but she did, (with a little help of new friends and her mom and dad - especially Ryan!) and she loved it!

On this jumper - you had to climb all the way up on one side (and it was steep!) so you could slide down the other side. It was way too steep for Ali to get up so I went down with her once and so did Ryan. Here are some pictures of her attempting to get up - although, as soon as she got to the first stepping "stone" and slipped back down -she would clap. I guess she considered that sliding! Watching for friends to come down the slide (and making sure we are not in the way!)
Ali clapping for her friends.
This melts my heart. This is what Ali does when she says "yaaaaaaaay!" - it's so cute!
Our turn! (at the top of the slide)
Ali and her daddy getting ready to go down the big slide!

Here they go!
Getting brave towards the end and climbing through the tunnels!
Ali climbing through the tunnel with some older friends looking out for her. (Mary Cobb McGee and Zoey Parker)

Happy birthday May Elizabeth!

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