So, it's Wednesday of our Snow week and I feel like I am living in the movie Groundhog Day - I have no idea what day it is - our days have been filled with playing in the snow, eating, playing with our babies, watching movies, more eating and lots of family bonding time! :) Other than the fact that the snow days are seriously ruining my new years resolution diet and that I am watching a week's worth of preschool tuition (and lunch bunch - it gets expensive - and there are no make up days!) go down the drain - I am secretly loving it! It's so nice to be able to stay in pjs and know that no one is waiting on me to be somewhere and most people are in the same boat!
Last night, the Holles came over and we built two snowmen for our front yard this time! It was a lot easier than the day before since the snow was so compact and filled with ice - and our one snowman turned to two when the snowballs got too big too fast! The kids loved it and Ali and Libby ended up having an impromptu spend the night party! (which of course made them even happier!)
The girls had a taste of the ice cream to make sure it tasted yummy (and surprisingly, it did!)
I just found out (via facebook - gotta love it!) that school is out again tomorrow! It's official - since we only go to school M/T/Th - we are off an entire snow week this week! Plus, Monday is MLK - so by the time the girls finally go back to school, they will have been out 11 days!!! So crazy - but we are enjoying the craziness! Thank goodness Ryan loaded up on sweets/snacks and a few necessities (again, the diet -ugh!) yesterday at the grocery store! If anyone has any other fun snow day activities - please pass them along! Happy snow week 2011!!